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Super Noodles

packetI thought doing Pot Noodle a few posts back would have been enough to satisfy the Super Noodle hounds which bark and taunt and haunt me at every turn, around every corner and sometimes on my Facbook party page. So Enough! I give in! And off I huffed and puffed to my local grocery store to pick up a packet of the stupid stuff…

Continue reading “Super Noodles”

Posted in southern fried



Once again I was running out of ideas for my next ‘food experimentalist’s adventure’ and had to beg my Facebook page to hand me free ideas; the excellent Kirsty Long suggested I cook with “Smash (or any other brand of instant mash)”.

Now I haven’t eaten this stuff in about 20 years so I knew it was about time I revisited this unique ingredient and off to my local convenience store I trotted…

Continue reading “Smash!”

Posted in leftovers, oriental

Fray Bentos ‘Classic’ Steak & Kidney


During my daily errands to my local Tesco Metro I will at some point walk past a tin of Fray Bentos but I have never really considered it an actual foodstuff so mostly ignore it. But all that changed when I had a dream last night where I was on top of a mountain and it was being attacked by Fray Bentos alien flying saucers and I was trying to shoot them down with vegetables, forks and copies of Gordon Ramsey’s latest cookery book. The metaphors were too strong to ignore, I simply had to buy! Continue reading “Fray Bentos ‘Classic’ Steak & Kidney”