Posted in fine dining, fish, food review, holiday food, japanese, knives, review, seafood, taiwan

Yoinn, Taipei

In Taiwan at the moment and before more updates follow I just want to share a quick post about a Japanese sushi restaurant I went to recently in Taipei called Yoinn.

Continue reading “Yoinn, Taipei”
Posted in french, fusion, interview, japanese, knives

A Chat With Chef Gohei Kishi


I was lucky enough to attend the excellent Hyper Japan festival this past weekend in London’s East End and had a rare opportunity to talk to Gohei Kishi, Head of Asian Concepts across the Gordon Ramsay Group, based at maze in Mayfair. Gohei’s role has given him a unique perspective on both classic French and Japanese cuisine and I spent time asking him about flavour combinations, Gordon’s Ramsey’s influence and much more! Continue reading “A Chat With Chef Gohei Kishi”