Posted in desserts, diet

The Ice Cream Diet


OK ladies, if you’re like me you’ve probably eaten ten times your body weight in incredible xmas fare and now need to go on a diet, and like me you hate diets cos they generally suck. But I have devised a special myfoodeeblog diet plan where you can have chocolate and ice cream every day and still lose weight!

Continue reading “The Ice Cream Diet”

Posted in baking, diet

Snack a Jacks Rice and Corn Cakes


During my last contract I spent enough time hanging around the staff kitchen to know that these rice cakes things were an integral part of any girl about town’s dieting regime. Ever since I have wondered “what is it about them that makes girls so miserable?”

So off I trotted to my local Tesco Metro to find out! Continue reading “Snack a Jacks Rice and Corn Cakes”